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Couples Retreats
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
God designed marriage to be a beautiful union between a man and a woman with Him at the center. However, the struggles and demands of life can be challenging for a couple and can distract them from the God-given purpose for their marriage. As a result, many couples have lost the joy and peace in their marriage. Heart 2 Heart Ministries was established to restore that joy and peace into the lives of couples and families. The goal of Heart 2 Heart couples retreats is to share biblical principals that will help you have a Christ-centered marriage according to God's design.
Great marriages do not just happen by chance. They require couples to be intentional about keeping their relationship alive and thriving, and attending a couples retreat is one way to do just that. You will learn practical insights to assist you in dealing with everyday challenges you experience in your marriage as well as discovering the plans God has for you as a couple.
Whether your marriage needs an overhaul or just a tune-up, you will be encouraged to build a deeper relationship with God and with each other that will sustain you through life's ups and downs and allow your marriage to thrive.
For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to is wife, and the two will become one flesh.
Ephesians 5:31
If you are interested in scheduling or attending a future couples retreat, please contact us.
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